Academic Standards for Student Achievement

The Pennsylvania academic standards describe what a student must know or be able to do prior to graduation from public school. These standards will be presented to students through a systematic organization of curriculum, instruction and assessment designed to meet or exceed state and national standards. The district shall provide for attainment of the academic standards as stated in Chapter 4, section 4.12 and consistent with Muncy School District Board Policy 102. The approved Pennsylvania Academic Standards shall guide the district program in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, listening and mathematics . The District currently aligns its curriculum with the following Pennsylvania Standards:

  • Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
  • Mathematics
  • Science and Technology
  • Environment and Ecology
  • Social Studies: specifically, civics and government, geography, economics and history
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Career Education and Work
  • Health, Safety and Physical Education
  • Family and Consumer Sciences
  • World Languages

For students who need additional support to reach academic standards, Title I and special education services are available for each student that meets the criteria for services.

Parents and staff members may refer a student for participation a gifted education program that is instructed by a K-12 gifted education teacher. The gifted education teacher coordinates with regular classroom teachers and course instructors to provide enhanced and enriched activities for each student that meets the criteria for services.

Elementary Planned Instruction

All elementary age students attending the Muncy School District receive instruction in the core subjects of reading, spelling, math, English, science, and social studies. Kindergarten students receive a full year, full-day program. Additionally, students receive weekly instruction in art, music, physical education, technology, health, and library by certified specialists. Planned courses and curriculum maps outline all subject matter to be taught at each grade level. Realizing that students vary in their rate of acquisition and retention of material, the Muncy School District provides a variety of instructional activities for students at risk of not meeting academic standards. Title I programs, instructional support services, and special education services are available to students meeting criteria for services.

Strategies, such as differentiated instruction, guided reading and performance assessment continue to be a major focus of our instructional delivery system. A combination of local, state and national assessments, outlined in the Assessments and Public Reporting section of this plan, are used to monitor student progress and provide feedback to guide our curriculum and professional development.

High School Planned Instruction

In order to be eligible to graduate from the Muncy School District, a student shall meet the requirements of completing the necessary courses of instruction with passing grades. In compliance with Chapter 4, they will demonstrate mastery of the Pennsylvania Academic Standards. The current graduation requirements are as follows:

Graduation Requirements – State of Pennsylvania

The following requirements of the Board of Education of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania apply to all students:
In order to graduate from high school, a student shall demonstrate achievement of the student academic standards specified in Chapter 4 and the assessment plan for the school district. The assessment plan describes the criteria the district uses to determine achievement of the student academic standards for the purposes of high school graduation consistent with Chapter 4.

An eligible student who satisfactorily completes a special education program developed by an Individualized Education Program team shall be granted and issued a regular high school diploma by the school district of residence.

Act 158 of 2018 (Act 158), which was signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf on October 24, 2018, shifts Pennsylvania’s reliance on high stakes testing as a graduation requirement to provide alternatives for high school students to demonstrate readiness for postsecondary success. Formerly, Pennsylvania’s statewide graduation requirement was more restrictive, requiring most students to pass the Keystone Exams — end of course exams in Algebra I, Literature, and Biology — in order to graduate. Act 158, in conjunction with Act 6 of 2017 (Act 6), expands the options for students to demonstrate postsecondary readiness through four additional pathways that more fully illustrate college, career, and community readiness.

Graduation Requirements for Muncy School District

Higher Education

Grades 9-12 (Credit Total = 26.5)

Category Credits
English (includes Speech Using Computer Apps) 4.25
Social Studies 4.00
Science 4.00
Mathematics 4.00
*World Language 1.00
Physical Education/Health 1.00
Electives (2 credits must be in Arts and/or Humanities) 8.00
Personal Finance 0.25

*Note: Two-year sequence is strongly recommended for acceptance into colleges and universities.

Career/Business Education

Grades 9-12 (Credit Total = 26.5)

Category Credits
English (includes Speech Using Computer Apps) 4.25
Social Studies 4.00
Science 4.00
Mathematics 4.00
Business Technology 4.00
Physical Education/Health 1.00
Electives 5.00
Personal Finance 0.25

Lyco CTC Education

Grades 9-12 (Credit Total = 25.5)

Category Credits
English 4.25
Social Studies 3.00
Science 3.00
Mathematics 3.00
Physical Education/Health 1.00
Electives 11.00
Personal Finance 0.25

Note: Requirements associated with the Keystone Examinations will apply as dictated by state regulations.

Muncy School District’s Online Learning Academy

Grades 9-12 (Credit Total = 25.50)

Category Credits
English 4.00
Social Studies 3.00
Science 3.00
Mathematics 3.00
Physical Education/Health 1.00
Electives 11.5

Support for gifted learners is provided for students in grades 7-12. A gifted teacher coordinates with regular course instructors to provide enhanced and enriched activities for each student that meets the criteria for services.

Grading System

In grades, K-12, each student receives a report of their school progress at the end of each nine-week grading period. The report contains a course grade, achievement, effort and behavior comments for each subject. A copy of the report of school progress is also maintained for the guidance office permanent records. Grades have the following values:

  • A = 92 – 100 Superior
  • B = 83 – 91 Above Average
  • C = 75 – 82 Average
  • D = 70 – 74 Below Average
  • Below 70 Failing