The Sara Burtnett Poust Memorial Alumni Award consists of two (2) cash prizes of $1,000 each awarded to two (2) graduating seniors who have attended Muncy High School from Grade 9 to and including Grade 12.

The recipients shall have demonstrated

  1. Overall high standard of good school citizenship
  2. Average or better scholastic endeavor
  3. Interest in, and concern for, the welfare of the school and community
  4. Participation in extracurricular activities (school and/or community)
  5. Cooperative disposition and habits

Interested seniors are to complete the enclosed Profile Sheet and return the form to the High School Guidance Office by the deadline date (listed on the form). The Profile Sheet requests the following information:

  • Name
  • School and community activities/achievements
  • Future plans
  • Response to the question “Why is graduating from Muncy High School important to you and your future?”

All applications will be forwarded to the Alumni Association who will review each on an individual basis and select the two (2) winners. Ideally, winners will consist of one (1) male and one (1) female; however, this can be changed at the discretion of the Alumni Association.

The winners of the Sara B. Poust Memorial Alumni Award will be announced at the annual Alumni Banquet held each year on the Saturday evening before Memorial Day.