Healthy Snack Idea List

  • Fresh Fruit to include: Apples, oranges, Apricot, Banana, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Strawberries, ect..
    (Children will be more likely to eat items such as an apple if it is peeled, sliced, and seeded. You may
    then soak in OJ and pack in sandwich bag)
  • Fresh Vegetables with low-fat dip. (Children love to dip)
  • Low fat quick breads such as muffins, banana bread, pumpkin bread
  • Low fat snack mixes made with whole grain cereals
  • Granola or Trail mixes
  • Dried fruits or fruit chips
  • Cheese with crackers
  • Pretzels or seasoned pretzels
  • Popcorn ( low-fat)
  • Graham Crackers
  • Yogurt and Yogurt products
  • Cereal Bars
  • Flavored Bagels
  • Filled Flour tortillas (add ham and cheese, roll and slice)
  • Ice cream
  • Nuts
  • Pita Breads
  • Low-fat Pudding
  • Jell-o or Jell-o with fruit
  • Fig cookies

Healthy Baking Idea List

Instead of: Use this:
1 ounce chocolate 3 Tbsp Cocoa
2 eggs 1 egg + 2 egg whites
Cream in batters or muffins Skim or low fat milk
Cream Cheese Low fat ricotta + Yogurt
1 cup Sour Cream 1 cup plain yogurt
1 cup whipped cream 3 stiffly beaten egg whites