Muncy School District Title I Programs

Title I is a federally funded program that provides academic support for students. In the Muncy School District students receive instructional assistance in reading and language arts. Title I programs are regulated by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and closely adheres to its guidelines. Each staff member employed in the Muncy School District Title I program meets all certification and/or licensure requirements.

In the Muncy School District, Title I provides reading support programs for students in grades K through 3. Researched-based Tier II and Tier III interventions are used to support students in acquiring literacy skills. In addition to the programs that are conducted during the school day, the following are also funded and sponsored by Title I.

PAC (Parent Advisory Council) “Parents are Key to Success”

  • activities are planned and implemented by the PAC
  • annual meeting and”kick-off” dinner held every fall
  • various parent workshops and activities throughout the year
  • members of the community and interested parents are welcome to join the PAC

Extended Time Support

  • occurs before and/or after school or during the summer
  • offers support and encouragement for learning reading skills
  • emphasizes study skills and learning strategies
  • small group instruction


918 LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy

2022-2023 Ward L. Myers School-level Parent and Family Engagement Policy

906 Complaint Policy and Procedures